Monday 6 May 2013

The Australian Football Rules Of Aussie Rules

Australian rules football, in the popular area commonly known as Aussie rules or footy), referred to as the Australian Football or Rugby, is derived from Melbourne, Australia rugby. Unlike ordinary foot ball games, each team in the Australian Football field 18, and have four bench players (Interchange players), the game in the size of the cricket pitch oval grass court, pitch lengths up to 185 meters (200 yards), almost four times that of soccer. Although winter sports, Australian Rules Football warm-up match held in February. Season began in March (early autumn) to the end of August (late winter), the finals held in September (early spring).

 The Australian Football Rules

  AFL Introduction 

If you want to know more about the Australians, talking about sports may be one of the fastest ways. Australians love sports, but also keen on many sports competitions, In addition to the better known of several sports, more so outside of Australia puzzle sport than Australian Football. In addition to Australia, in late 1980 began many countries had already started to sell this sport, but mostly amateur nature.
This maverick in the world of sports fusion football and rugby games are played during every game (mainly in the winter, but the two states of Queensland and New South Wales, Rugby League, while summer cricket-based), often attract many Australians went to watch the games, or at home watching televised, its popularity as much as the Super Bowl in the United States or the European football Cup. At present, a total of 16 teams in the Australian Football League AFL career, recurring contest held in the states, in the event of up to nearly two hours to fight, to win the championship.

Australian football is played Gaelic football with both the rules of the game of Rugby (Gaelic football as the main body), and the rules made ​​part of the amendment, in order to cater to the tastes of Australians. The game ball like the olive-shaped, hand hit the ball in the match or kicked to a teammate in order to quickly score. Olive due to the shape of the ball, so the ball often pass requires skill and understanding of complex, coupled with the close collision of the two players that have made the race climax constantly.

AFL Architecture 

The organizer is the most competitive in the Australian Football Australian Football League (Australian Football League, referred to as the AFL), belonging to the national level sports organizations.The highest level of Australian football tournament is an annual AFL Premier League (AFL Premiership). AFL finals held in September each year at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (Grand Final) Australian Club League level Championship viewers the highest attendance sporting event. Different with the English Football League AFL Premier League is no separate league and Cup awards. Top of the charts team is known as the "champion" (minor premier), will be awarded the McClelland Trophy (McClelland Trophy is actually a consolation prize); chart bottom of the team will be gift "wooden spoon" (Wooden spoon). ButAFL Premier League Champions League 2012

AFL Premier League Champions League 2012League Ranking first this does not represent to win the championship, Bureau of the top eight teams will qualify for the finals, the top four into the finals is basically the same.In addition to the AFL, Australia has seven state alliance: the Victorian Football League (Victorian Football League, referred to as the VFL), northeast Australia Football League (North East Australian Football League, covering New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland and the Northern Territory four states), Queensland Australian Football League (Queensland Australian Football League, referred to as QAFL), Tasmania Football Union (Tasmanian Football League, referred to TFL), the South Australian National Football League (South Australian National Football League, referred to as the SANFL) , Northern Territory Football League (Northern Territory Football League, referred to as the NTFL)Rewarded annually bottom club wooden spoon

Rewarded annually bottom club wooden spoonAnd Western Australian Football League (referred to WAFL). Majority coalition held a semi-professional league and will cooperate with other league contest, has also been the local semi-professional or amateur tournaments.Although in recent years, soccer has brought new challenges to the rise in Australia, Australian Football on the traditional main competitors are still popular in New South Wales and Queensland state rugby (more precisely, the coalition Rugby). This Monash University Department of History Professor Ian Turner (Ian Turner) in a virtual football culture in Australia distribution 1978 ", Australian Rules football and rugby popular areas, the dividing line

Australian Rules football and rugby popular areas, the dividing lineThe success into the two states in the east of this line is the AFL (then limited to the state of Victoria VFL) extended the focus of this 1982 South Melbourne team moved to Sydney to become the Sydney Swans (Sydney Swans) 1987 Brisbane Bears  was established in 1996 and moved north Fez Loy Lions (Fitzroy Lions) merged to become the Brisbane Lions .  east of the third team - Gold Coast Suns (Gold Coast Suns) in 2011 established on the Gold Coast, while the fourth team Greater Western Sydney Giants  established in 2012 in the western suburbs of Sydney Dunn Liverpool  and to join the league.In addition to the Australian national Australian football in the world there are 13 institutions and more than 20 small league, more than 30,000 people to participate (In contrast, the Australian native only official players to participate in a variety of club events alone, more than 600,000 people ), located in Oceania, Asia, Europe, North America and even South Africa.

AFL Rules 


Beginning of the game toss a coin to decide the offensive and defensive position. Traditional kick-off by the referee in the middle of the grid area forced the ball slams into the ground bounce into the air by two teams of scrimmage, but the ball did not reach the highest point attempt before the scrum is foul. Traditionally, like other team sports, players have been given charge of the position and role, but the actual game is not limited to stick to their own regional location, but can move freely in the area of ​​the game. After starting the scrimmage, the players all tried their best to pass the ball to teammates, efforts to shoot the ball into the goal in order to get a high score.

The ball can move forward with the ball, and with their personal preferences, as long as it does not intercept each other ran far can not offside restrictions. Ball run not like rugby, unlimited long-distance running, you must each ran 15 meters to go off a shot or pass the ball to go, either hit the ball to (Australian Rules football match often appears the ball like a basketball player in the high-speed run general to take action on the ground bounce), or sentenced offenders, obtained by the opposing team a penalty kick their own.Australian football goal

  Australian football goal


Australian football goal design is very special, is constituted by four white pole three goal from the goalposts beams. The middle of the two pillars of a higher lever, called the goalposts (Goal Post, the upper and lower ends of red and wrapped with padded to prevent collision injured players), next to the two-pillar rod called a side post (behind post) height than the main gate The column has a big slice. Scoring in different ways, and when the ball is played between two high-post central goal, the referee hands hold aloft the white flag (the night game ), said the team 6 points; if the ball enters the main post and side post between the edge of the goal, or come into contact with the main post or by hand to break into the central goal, the referee with one hand to raise his flag to indicate a score of 1. If the ball hits the side of the post, will be sentenced indirectly, out of bounds by the side of the referee in accordance with the foul ball rules reflexive ball back into the venue. Players each hit the door must be the central goal as the goal to increase the score gap.

  High jump ball (marking) is one of the highlights of the Australian Football


The course of the game, the ball can hand make a fist hitting short passes to his teammates, or kicking long. If short pass, the ball will be allowed to block or intercept subjected to enemy players. Handball pass the ball must think of ways to get rid of the enemy entanglement, or waiting for an opportunity to look for opportunities to pass the ball to other teammates to fight for the score. If the ball kicker kicked the ball long pass 15 meters away from the other players, the balls in the air before landing, anyone can intercept or interfere with the ball. But as long as people (regardless of which side) smooth ball catch and firmly hold off the ball landing This is called a ball (mark), then the enemy player must stand in the distance outside the fixed ball point may not catch make any snatch the nature of the follow-up action, the ball will get the ball equivalent to the security of a free kick opportunity, when he decided to shot, self-dribbling or passing hostile defender will be limited to a distance until the ball who began to move far. Players trying to catch the fixed-point jump from the others behind and that the human body as a platform to help catch, but not jump from the front, will be judged a butt facial punished.

If the ball is kicked out of bounds, the adversary will get the ball scored a free kick opportunity from off-site. If the ball is being played sideline, out of bounds before touching the ground, by the the linesman back-field ball was thrown to the field by two teams of scrimmage to continue the race, the timing is stopped (but foul, free throw is not stop the clock).The last month of the final game of the match in the AFL League, only the top eight teams of the normal Event Points in order to obtain tickets, and according to the schedule three weeks down the game. Before the first round of the finals Bureau divided into two groups, a group of the top four, the first Battle Second Battle third place winner directly into the next round; the last four teams are in The latter group, by the the fifth Battle eighth, sixth Battle seventh, losing two directly eliminated, winning two teams must lose again and the top four in a group two teams of multi-game trip to compete for access to the qualification to the next round. The four teams then advance into the second round with the normal way of knockout competition for the championship finals.


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